Friday, 11 October 2013

The Sixth Sense - A story of a creepy-kid and an even creepier Die-Hard man

Sauron what are you doing get out from there.

So on the 3rd of October our group has decided to watch the 1999 movie by M Night Shyamalan - The Sixth Sense. A popular hit in the 1999, one of our members remembered how she used to be so scared of the movie when she was a kid. Now, we will see whether this movie is REALLY scary or just plain silly.


Bruce Willis as Dr Malcolm Crowe
 Ladies, sit down and tell me your story.

Haley Joel Osment as Cole Sear
Aww.. how adora...

Toni Collete as Lynn Sear

Olivia Williams as Anna Crowe

Donnie Wahlberg as Vincent Grey
YES this is him. NO I don't believe it either. But duuude whaaaaat.


The story is starts with Dr Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis), a child psychologist who is attacked by his former patient, Vincent Grey (Donnie Wahlberg). A year passes, and during fall Malcolm meets another patient by the name of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment). Cole's case is similar to Vincent's and that's what motivates Malcolm to help him.

I see dead people
Cole tells Malcolm of his secret; he sees dead people, walking around like regular people, not knowing they're dead. Malcolm suggests to Cole that he should try to find the purpose of his gift by communicating with the ghosts and perhaps aid them with their unfinished business.

I'm not even thirteen and I hafta do charity work for these people. Including you.

At first Cole doesn't want to do it, but then he warms up to the idea. Cole found a young ghost named Kyra at her grave reception. Kyra gave her a videotape revealing her stepmother's gradual homicidal activities towards her poor, frail body. Kyra's stepmother kills her by gradually making her sick with every meal she takes. One of the greatest moment in the movie is seeing the whole family's shocked reaction towards the videotape, ohhh snap.

Learning to live with the ghosts he sees, Cole starts to fit in at school and gets the lead in the school play, which Malcolm attends. (How cute is that?) Malcolm then tells Cole that the person he need to convince most about his ability is his mother, Lynn Sear (Toni Collete). His mother didn't want to believe it at first. (Though she must be really freaked out about her kid. Come on, who wouldn't be?) But after some tearful explanation, Lynn finally accepts that her son is wonderfully gifted. 

"She said the answer is... "Every day". What did you ask?"
Did we mention that Malcolm is married to Anna Crowe (Olivia Williams)? No? Well, a year after the attack, he's now having marriage problems with the poor lady. And strangely enough, Malcolm asks Cole for advice. Cole told him to try and talk to her while she's asleep. People tell the truth while they're drowsy it seems. I don't think there's solid-proof to that but hey, roll with it.

When Malcolm got back home, he finds his wife sleeping with the TV on, playing a video of their wedding day. Malcolm tries talking to her while she's sleeping and she asks him why did he leave her. Baffled, Malcolm sees his wife drop his wedding ring. He realizes that he's already DEAD DUN DUN DUUUUNN.

Ayyyyy you're dead. He's dead. Everyone's D-E-A-D.

He's killed by Vincent that night and he's been dead all along while working with Cole.

Cole helps Malcolm (he's now a prodigy social-worker for dead-people-with-serious-issues. Keep it up, kiddo), and settling his business with Vincent. After getting the job done he returns home and tells his wife that she was never second, and he loves her.

After his unfinished business is, well, finished, he leaves the world.

Who in the world needs red-jelly doorknobs anyway?
The end.


I think, everyone can watch this. It's not that scary, but it is pretty creepy. Little kids shouldn't watch this, because well, it's about ghosts. And ghosts are scary. No one wants a scared kid.
Or a puking one. Which is worse.


It's... kinda boring but kind of not. I think it's because we're now used to fast paced films and this one is pretty slow through out. But the twist at the end is considered one of the best plot twists of all time. If we're shooting stars now, we'll give it a 3 out of 5.


Except this kid, if he's dead this movie would be bu-- ridiculous.


The main thing we learned is that we must have trust, belief and communication in our life. We must always communicate with loved ones and explain to them about our difficulties. The people around us do worry and all we need to do is tell them.

We must also try to believe the things that people tell us because sometimes, it might be the truth.

That's all folks.

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