Friday, 11 October 2013

LOG BOOK -Updated Weekly-

1. Today is the first meeting for the course LAX2003
2. Our instructor Miss Priya, gave us introduction about this course and instructs us what to do the next.
3. Group members were met and get to know each other
4. The group members were Zi Yao, Afiq, Hani, Rukayyah, Liang Jie, Lang Juin ,Pei Ying and Jia Ying.
5. Contact number and e-mail address were exchanged with each other
6. Ong Zi Yao was chosen as the group leader
7. The movie chosen were The Sixth Sense and Up.
8. We decided to have our meeting at Main Library at every Thursday 8am

1. All members had attended the meeting as promised.
2. Zi Yao had volunteered to set up the Blogspot site.
3. The soft copy of The Sixth Sense movie was copied to every member.
4. We had decided every member has to watch the movie on their own and answer the guide questions given due to the time constraint.
5. Further discussion will be carry on in next meeting.

1. All members had attended the meeting, except a new member, Qiu Shi who was having class on the time when our meeting was held.
2. We decide to readjust our meeting day and time so as every group member could attend the meeting, discussion will be made through Facebook.
3. The Blospot site had set up and the login address and password was given to every member.
4. Discussion on the movie review of The Sixth Sense was carried out.
5. Every member takes turn to describe their feeling after watched the movie.

As usual, the meeting was carried out at foyer of Main Library of UPM.

2. All members had attended the meeting as usual, except Qiu Shi.
We had fun watching the movies together for a few hours.    

4. Important events or details were jotted down while watching the movie which may help us to come out with the movie review.

1. The meeting was carried out at as usual.
2.  All group members had attended the meeting except Qiu Shi.
3. Every member takes turn to describe their feeling after watched the movie Up.

4. It was an enjoyment in the sharing of opinion by every group members.
5. Hani collected all the movie review and upload to Blogspot.

Week628.10.20131. The last meeting was attended by all group members except Qiu Shi.2. Ruqayyah and Afiq brought their laptop to edit the blogspot. 3. Ong submitted the homework to our instructor.

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